Baku: Elm (Science), 2002. 472 pages.
ISBN 5-8066-1440.
It is signed in a seal 12.04.2002. Format 60 x 84 1/16.
Volume 29,5 pp. Circulation 500.
Scientific editors: Academician of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences A.M.Abbasov
Reviewers: the doctor of economic sciences B.S.Сhidyrov
corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences,
the doctor of geologist-mineralogical sciences I.S.Kuliev
corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences,
the doctor of technical sciences R.M.Mamedov
Respectfully to the dedicated Azerbaijani oilman, standing in the forefront of the oil industry of planet Earth.
Examption of resources, decrease of layer energy, complication of productional and geological conditions created certain economical problems, in transfer period in oil-gas production complex inland of Azerbaijan gungture orientation, non-market stucture, administrative methods of management not meeting the purposes of market economy led to in economy shortage of turnover means, worsening of material-technical supply, shut-down and fall of well debitity, drilling works in expectation of reanimation of hundreds of productive wells.
Along with it problems of institntuization and modernization of economic evironment, new fiscal demands "a syndrome of payment" and ether originalities of the transfer period influenced on profitableness, violating correlation between expenses and volume of production, created deep disbalance, complicated the process annaation, led to limitation of field growth dynamics.
Carried out economical reforms for adaptation into the new system in the productional complex the chosen tender evolutional model in its turn were not accompanied with basic reforms. For protection from increasing regression in the field the necessity in elaboration of new scientifically based economic model of development appeared. In the sphere of deepening market relations, expressiong them in this monography «Model of Economic Development of oil and gas production complex» object of researches were chosen general economic problems of oil and gas production industry in inland ofAzerbaijan. By method of indexation and correlation in the spectrum of national oil strategy, empiric reality, global stream characterizing the main directions of economic reforins in the complex the main technical indecies have been analyzed. Hcstorical ways of development of native oil and gas production industry were considered in the context of a purpose and trend approach with applying progressive economic technology, extracts, essays, graphical illustrations, tables and formula in research work diagnostics of the corresponding problems, theories, philasophy, direction of economic reforms and mechanism of their realization was determined.
Pole and place of oil and gas production sector in inland, assessment of productional and resource potential, strategic planning, management, state regulation, norm- legal and informational secure, determinants of economical efficiency, labour productivity, decrease of self-cost of crude oil, cost and calculation, increase of productivity returns of layers, thepolicy of finance, registration and amortisation, fiscal situation, rent relations, applying of offshore tax system, share holding and ownership, investment requirements, activities of joint ventures with the foreign capital, forming of internal audit institution, the aspects of scientific-innovation activity, fragments of postpetrol conceptions, social sphere and employment, ergonomy, ecological environment, service, license, concession, franchising and other functional problems. With market principles have their.