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Monographys / SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONS (on examples of region Sheki-Zagatala)


(coaut hors - A.S.Qasimov, H.A.Israfilov, E.A.Aqaev).

Baku: “Publishing house Economic University”. 2006. 304 pages.

It is signed in a seal 22.06.2006, Format 60 x 90 1/16.

Volume 19/4,8 pp. Circulation 500.

E-İSBN: 978-9949-01-813-0


Published by the decision of the

Scientific Council of the Azerbaijan State Economic University


Scientific advisor:         the doctor of economic sciences, professor                        S.H.Hajiyev

Scientific editor:           academician of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences


Reviewers:                   the doctor of economic sciences, professor                        R.K.Mamedov

                                   Ph. D. in economics                                                        S.T.Valiev


The book contains an analysis of the complex issues of socio-economic development of the Sheki-Zagatala region of the Azerbaijani Republic.

The monograph is written with a view to providing scientific and methodical, scientific and practical assistance to an employee of the state executive authorities and municipal structures.