gototop gototop



Azerbaijan State Economic University

Elshan M. Hajizadeh


Modern environmental problems in the certain degree are generated by backlog of economic idea. Classics of an economic science the subsequent economic schools and scientists did not give value to ecological restrictions in economic development. And only not so long ago having sharpened environmental problems, have put before an economic science a problem of judgement of developed tendencies of ecology-economic development and development of essentially new concepts of development.

Occurrence of ecological economy concerns to the beginning of 90th years of XX century - as the field of knowledge studying interrelations between ecological systems and economic systems in their widest representation.

The ecological economy is some kind of synthesis traditional newclassical and resource economy in a combination to an estimation of influence of economic activities on an environment. People - consumers are considered as one of the important components of complete economic - ecological system, instead of as dominating and central force. Consumption is exposed not only to monetary budgetary restrictions, as in traditional economy, but also both to natural restrictions and action of physical laws.

In the center of ecological economy which integrates economic, ecological and social aspects of economic activities of the person. There is a steady management of economic-ecological system, and time frameworks are considered usually more widely, than in traditional economy.

The macropurpose of ecological economy - stability of complex ecology-economic system while the traditional economy emphasizes growth, instead of stability at a macrolevel. In ecological economy the economic economy is considered as a subsystem which is included in larger ecological systems to which the whole spectrum of «services» is given [1,2].

The ecological economy is aimed at a presence of the best ways of residing on our planet and searches of «an economic society», based on definition of thrift through ecologically comprehensible efficiency and achievement of ecologically comprehensible economic development.

In a basis of ecological economy three concepts lay:

  • Ø Processing ability of ecology-economic systems;
  • Ø Bearing ability ecological systems;
  • Ø Entropia.

Scientific and technical progress, information of manufacture, economic globalization have created preconditions for the decision of environmental problems in the roundabout way. New ecologically «pure» materials, not power-intensive systems have appeared, the material - capacity of products has considerably decreased and by that loading on экосистемы was reduced.

The innovation the end of the last century strengthened the centralized beginnings of management of economy. The question is about ecologiation Systems of national accounts and Systems of the ecology-economic account of national riches. Systems of national accounts is a basis for calculation of most widely used parameter of economic well-being and economic growth - a total national product or an internal national product [4,5].

Evolution of economic idea has led to to formation of new discipline - economy of steady development which incorporates the useful experience which has been turned out by resource economy, economy of preservation of the environment, ecological economy, being based on concept of steady development, strong and weak stability.

In the international documents concept «steady development» for the first time has appeared in the International strategy of the wildlife management developed with active participation of the Soviet experts by the International union of wildlife management, World fund of the wild nature and the Program of the United Nations /UNEP/ on an approved in 1980 [3,5].

Basis of the concept «steady development» the triad of harmonized ecological, economic and social problems makes, and a basis of its preparation and realization - other triad of the interested groups of a society: the state, business and public structures.

Modern type of ecology-economic development of economy it is possible to define as technical type of economic development. It naturecapacious the type of development basing use of artificial means of production, created without taking into account ecological restrictions.

For technical such as economic development the spillovers of economic activities which positively or negatively are characteristic influences on these subjects of this activity. To a regret in wildlife management overwhelming the majority of influences on Wednesday it is connected to negative spillovers.

Ecological activity very highly capitally. Some years for accumulation of the capital are required. Adaptation of productions, change of the branch structure, new accommodation of firms demand one-two decades. Therefore the ecological policy should be carried out constantly.

In the modern world the ecological policy gets even more ecological economy of outlines. Display especially itself shows this in the advanced countries and dictates the structural principles. In these countries the basic ecological economy principles on which the ecological policy is based allocates below-mentioned principles [5].

  1. 1.     Principle of cost of the missed opportunities. This principle demands that at use of the limited resource cost and the unused alternative was taken into account. Cost of the missed opportunities, will consist in a difference of profits which it is received at use of an environment. It is necessary to note, that the principle operates and in the return party, that is preservation of the environment has the cost from the point of view not uses of environment in the economic purposes.
  2. 2.     The principle «pollutes pays». According to the recommendation the Organization of economic cooperation and development of1972, a principle «pollutes pays» means, that «pollutes should bear charges on carrying out of measures of ecological improvement under the decision of authorities». Modern treatment of a principle «pollutes pays» it is possible to reduce to two substantive provisions:
  • Ø pollutes should bear all charges on environment - security activity;
  • Ø pollutes ь has the right to compensate nature protection expend through the prices for production and services.
  1. 3.     Principle of long-term prospect. Cost of ecological degradation or preservation of the environment cannot be considered statically. Polluting substances are accumulated eventually, and only after it the full damage can come to light.
  2. 4.     Principle of interdependence. The ecological policy should take into account interdependence between natural environments, "know-how", pollution and reductions of pollution, between polluting substances.
  3. 5.     The principle « the user pays ». The principle «the user pays» is application of a principle « pollutes pays» concerning using resources though and not quite adequate. It demands, that the user of any natural resource has completely paid his use and the subsequent restoration.

It is necessary to note, however, that practical application of principles of ecological-economy shows set of deviations from theoretical postulates. Basically to it concerns problems of the legal and political plan. The reasons it is interpreted not accomplished specification-legal base and political processes which the direction changes a course of events, in separate regions. The place is important here be allocated also economic for the reasons, at a regional level in communication to problems development of a social-economic infrastructure also is especial.

Continuing evolution ecological economy generates new a condition of management on all spheres of development managing. Growing anthropogenous to activity of the person dictates management of natural substances and power to an innovation with natural processes and mechanisms [3].

Therefore in all branches manufacture accent of preferences should is made on scientific, engineer - constructional and resource - savings technics and to technologies. Harmony the society and the nature should formats are under construction more perfect. All these realities necessity generates sphere knowledge of biosphere in as a whole ecologiation economy




1.Бекаев Л.С., Марченко С.В., Пинегин С.П. и другие. Мировая энергетика и переход к устойчивому развитию. Новосибирск: Наука. 2000. с 355.

2.Голуб А., Струкова Е. Экономика природных ресурсов, М: Аспект-Прес, 1998. с.416.

3.Гаджизаде Э.М. Модель экономического развития нефтегазодобывающим комплекса. Баку-Элм /Наука/. 2002. с.473.

4.Козырев В.М. Основы современной экономики. М: Финансы и статистика. 2000. с.367.




95.Theoretical empirical aspects ecological economy. Eighth Baku International Congress «Energy, Ecology, Econome». International Ecoenergy Academy. (coaut hors - M.F.Hajizadeh). Baku. 2005. 0,2 v.q.