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Global challenges are also paving the way for the transition to a green energy system in Azerbaijan. In this regard, the energy potential of the liberated territories is of great importance. The president of the Republic Mr. Ilham Aliyev declared these territories a green energy zone. At present, large-scale projects are being implemented in the country to increase institutionalization in this area. Proceeding from this, the article focuses on global trends in the green energy sector, assessment of the energy potential of the liberated territories, and priority issues such as the green growth strategy. Based on the analysis and assessments, targets for the development of green energy in Azerbaijan, including in the liberated territories, were determined and relevant practical proposals were put forward. In the system of green concepts, strengthening national energy security and energy efficiency, as well as expanding the country's export potential, increasing decarbonization activities in accordance with the principles of ecological economics and, based on all this, the development of a targeted state program for the implementation of a green infrastructure strategy in the territories liberated from occupation is one of these results.

Keywords: Heydar Aliyev, liberated territories, energy potential, green infrastructure, green energy.

JEL Classification Codes: D01, L94, L95, N7, Q42: UOT: 332:338.24:620.98 (479.24).



233.Energy potential of de-occupied territories and green infrastructure strategy. Materials of the international scientific conference on “Reintegration of territories freed from occupation into the national economy: goals and directions”. Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University. June 13-14, 2023. Baku: AzMIU “Publishing-Polygraphy Center”. 2023. c. 17-24. 0.8 pp.